Sunday, 31 January 2016

Primary Research: Survey

Once I had a basic plan and idea at the start of the final major project unit I knew that creating some sort of primary research would be very beneficial and hopefully provide me with some sort of understanding of what the majority of my audience and viewers would prefer to see. Below are my statistics, questions and answers to date so far. 

Creating surveys had been a great skill I have learnt over my time at university in units such as my dissertation. I found that when creating this survey I struggled for quite a while to come up with appropriate and valid questions that would help me gain some insight. So while playing my music playlist I researched other examples of surveys and also went to a local comic book shop (Forbidden Planet in Southampton) and discussed my ideas with the employees and customers to see what they were interested in, what worked and didn't for them and why? 

This proved very helpful, although I do find talking to people in that context a little awkward, it did really pay off and gained my confident a little when talking to new people. I plan to frequently get advice or opinions from people that are big fans of this sort of genre as they would be a part of my target market.
From this experience I managed to create some questions and get some good results and answers from anonymous people that has given my some inspiration and solid ideas of what I can do and move my project forward. 

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