Saturday, 9 April 2016

Brainstorming FMP Title

The last few days I have been feeling extremely overwhelmed and have constantly been doubting myself. This is something that I know I do far too much. I want to achieve the best and perfect outcome as I have been working so hard but I feel that due to this I put myself under way too much stress and pressure that I get myself worked up into such a mess and this can effect my work. 
This term and especially during this unit I have tried very hard to change this and remember the first lecture that Jennifer gave us at the start of third year about believing in ourselves and how we should aim high then we can achieve it which I have tried to do as much as possible when I get myself all worked up and feeling low. 

With this all in mind and going on I decided to clear my mind a little and create some brainstorming lists for a possible title that would fit my whole concept and would want the viewer to look further into the book.  
Above are just a few that I have begun to play around with. I wanted the a single word that was impact making and very strong. The title needs to consist of the super hero vibe of the overall content as well as the self belief, self esteem building and confident making images and feel using the colour symbolic language and style of make up, hair and fashion. I wanted the title to be beautiful and to roll of the tongue nicely as well as being a solid, new creative word or words that work together. 
My favourites are the ones highlighted with a bracket and star. The meanings are very close to the overall book intentions I want to achieve. Before I decide 100% I plan to see my mentor and maybe another to see their opinion and their guidance that could help me decide.

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