Monday 11 April 2016

Tutorial with Jane & Elizabeth: Still Life Photography

After a productive easter break and a lot to discuss with a tutor I decided to have a tutorial with Jane. This was very helpful as she liked my final images and could clearly see the meaning of all my images and concepts. She did suggest using the liquify tool on photoshop to make some of my models slimmer and the overall image neater as well as brightening a few areas which I intend to do now. As well as this she went over my text and fixed any spelling errors and gave some constructive advice on perhaps adding a more intellectual and spiritual quote into my front page. 
Jane and Elizabeth then began to elaborate further and suggested, as a final touch, the idea of perhaps creating a few beauty still life images as a front cover or to start the book to break up the pages a little. At first I felt absolutely terrified at the concept and very overwhelmed but as they showed me a few examples from references, such as the Insight Instagram account and the Holi celebration, of what they meant I found it interesting and decided to give it a try and at least test this idea as I did still have some time before I had to send it off. They suggested using the elements such as fire, wind and water or keeping the beauty and make up style , which I preferred the sound of as this is what my book is all about, using powders, bubbles, sparkles and other interesting products to keep in theme with my book. 

I now plan to test both on location and in studio these still life ideas as it would be nice to have a front cover that was of my own photography. I am a little concerned that this may take away some of the make up based style of book I am trying to create including still life but I still plan to test and experiment to see the outcome. I am also worried as my budget is very stretched at the moment and I need to be careful of that too. As well as this I need to have time to get my book printing but even so I definitely intend of testing this idea. 

After my tutorial I purchased some products to experiment with such as bath bombs, coloured pigments, powder paints, bubbles, glitter and food colouring to test and take some images of to see what effects I can get with each. Unfortunately I could not find any sparkles due to the time of year. 

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