Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Preparations for Fashion Styling

From the start of this project I knew that this would be the perfect opportunity to show the different skills that I have gained over the last three years. As I am not sure of what industry exactly I want to take when it comes to a career I want to use a variety of skills and show them which will, hopefully, give me a wider choice when the time comes. One of these skills being my passion for fashion styling. Although I have never had any lessons or training in this area I have always wanted to try and think this is the perfect and possibly only chance I will get. This project will help me to develop this skill further for possible future careers.
In preparation I decided to purchase a clothes mannequin, as I have never worked with one I thought this would be the perfect chance to get some advice with fashion styling students and embellish or adapt pieces of clothing rather than make them from scratch to have my own twist to it. This is something that I have purchased, therefore I can, even once my university experience has ended, continue to use and practice with in the future in my own time. 
Once I have really captured my 7 personas I will begin to create designs that can be worn, for perhaps different occasions, for both men and women. I think this will be a good way to show my creativity and interesting in the fashion industry. 

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