Friday, 5 February 2016

Test: Reflecting on First Practice Test Shoot

Test Shot - Psychic Design

Post Production - Psychic Design 

Face Chart - Psychic Design

Test Shoot - Flight Design

Post Production - Flight Design 

Face Chart - Flight Design 

During last term, whilst creating my final major project proposal, I decided I really needed to get into the studio far more to practice and build up my skills because after university access to such a good quality facilities would not be as easy as it is now so this is the perfect opportunity. 
I do find the whole experience quite a struggle at times. For example when it comes to finding models or people to practice on with free time and being able to book a studio to use as they are alway very busy with other projects. 

For this I wanted to see what I was capable of and wanted to get an idea of my ideas visually rather than just sticking to face charts and practicing on my own face. As I plan to be doing the majority of the work for example make up, hair, clothing, directing the photo shoots and post productions I needed to be aware if I was perhaps taking too much work on by myself. 

I found this test shoot to be a great eye opener. As I created both looks on the same day I felt that working on two people at the same time quite stressful as we didn't have a lot of time and I can be quite a perfectionist when it comes to creating make up designs, from this I realised that I will be needing a make up and hair assistant to help me out a little bit even if its something as simple as cleaning my brushing or handing me the correct products.

Another very important factor that I really need to consider is that I will be needing a photographer as, from these images, I can clearly see that my photography skills are no where near up to the standard of where I want them to be for my FMP. I am not very aware of how lighting and certain equipment works so I have now started to get in contact with a few photographers, from the university and outside, who seem very interested in collaborating with me. 
I also plan on working extremely hard when it comes to the post production. In my opinion post production can make or break an image. Although for a first attempt I was quite pleased with the outcome and the chance this test shoot gave me to build up my photoshop and IT skills. On the other hand I am very aware that I need a lot more practice and as I would like to do the editing myself I will attend a lot of the IT sessions provided as well as teaching myself in my own time from youtube tutorials so that my images turn out as perfectly as I imagine. As I want to really focus on beauty I am not sure if adding effect such as the ones above actually worked as well as I have hoped as the face and make up becomes distorted. 

This test shoot was extremely helpful to me as a first attempt it really made me realise what elements I need to work on and where I need help from others. Without this I would have assumed that I was able to do it all myself, which right now, I am just not capable of. 
I will continue to practice on test shoots and design face and hair charts until the look is perfect for the superpower its based on. 

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