Saturday, 6 February 2016

Studio Booking and Collaboration with Photographer

During my time at university I have found it very difficult to book the photography studios for a sufficient amount of time as well as times that work well for models in other units over the years. This is possibly due to the amount of other projects all going on at the same time. Even in other examples of FMP journals from the past they have too said that studios can be difficult to get to before they are all booked up. I do keep reflecting back to the example of other FMP journal which I find very helpful to keep me on the right track and gain the correct style of writing.
In previous units I have stressed and worried quite a lot when it comes to this and my work can end up appearing rushed or unfinished even when I take time organisation into consideration. This happened in first year during the photography unit based on colour. 
For my final major project I wanted to really get ahead and be properly prepared and organised so early on I researched and reached out to photographers and studios outside the university to work in where I will have the chance to have full days booked rather than a couple of hours.  

Time management is one I am really making a priority for this unit as, in the past, I have lost track of this and got myself into a terrible mess and rush. As the models, I have already been in contact with and am considering, are all from London it made sense to look for studios around that area. Over the last couple of weeks I have made several phone calls with a studio and photographer that are very interested in working on my project, which is a great success. This process of organising dates, models, bookings and putting forward my ideas to others in the industry has been a full on but great experience for me, especially in my communication and social skills. I do really struggle to talk to new people and I hope that this unit will build my confidence up the more I force myself into situations that normally I would feel uncomfortable in.
I feel as though my confidence has significantly developed over the project already in the short space of time as I am really having to push myself out of my own comfort zone to achieve the best and work with some great people which is always daunting to me. 

I have now selected dates in March for a studio in London to go ahead with my final shoots. This gives me a good time from now until then to practice and test as much as needed until I am prepared for the final shoots. 
I now feel extremely relieved that I have a studio secured for me for a sufficient amount of time on each day. This is a huge stress off my hands so now, until then, I can fully concentrate on  designing, testing and practicing for each of my looks. 
I am also travelling to London next week to have a face to face conversation with my possible photographer, which I am rather nervous about as lighting and effects are going to be very important in my images but I feel positive as he is very personable and open to my ideas and his work on Facebook and on his website is very impressive and professional. This is also great experience for me to continue collaborating with those already in the industry to add to my list of connections.    

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