Sunday, 27 March 2016

Adobe Creative Programming - Photoshop & Lightroom

Due to the easter holiday falling right at the time where I scheduled to edit my images and create the book layout I had a major issue of how I was going to use the correct computer programs available at university if I were at home. My initial idea was to travel back and forth over the period of time but I worked out that that was far too expensive, draining on me psychically and emotionally and quite a waste of time for me when I could be working instead. I then got some advice from a editor I had been getting some tips from and he suggested purchasing photoshop on my own laptop as they provide a cheaper student deal. I was unaware of this and had my doubt as my funds for this project were becoming quite stretched. In the end I decided to go ahead and download the program as its a great investment as now I can practice and learn all the different techniques and styles that John has taught us in my own time as well as be able to use it where ever I am. 

Although I did have another issue. When installing them I discovered that my laptop needed an update for the 2016 version of photoshop and lightroom I have purchased to work. I planned to beginning editing this weekend but the update took over 20 hours to finalise which slowed my schedule down by a few days but, as I am quite a head of time in my work, I still feel as though I have plenty of time to edit and retouch all my images effectively as well as create the book and send it to be printed. 

After a very long process I have now begun to slowly beginning to test and practice different techniques of softening and smoothing the skin as well as brightening eyes and lips to really refine these images and make the gain that professional, high end look. As well as this I want to define colour and the strength and clarity of the image for that very professional look. As I have attended many of John Whalvin's very helpful IT lessons I feel that I have very good notes and am now able to edit creatively. I have also found youtube tutorials very useful to learn what technique works best for the images as well as asking advice from those I have collaborated with in the past who understand photoshop better than I do. I feel less stressed knowing I am capable of working on photoshop completely independently without a teacher or any assistance and I plan on continuing to develop my skills in photoshop until I am 100% happy with the outcome all through the easter holidays.

Inspiration for editing - 'X MEN Apocalypse' Advertisement from 20th Century Fox UK Instagram account

I have also recently begun to follow a lot of film production companies instagram accounts. This has proven very resourceful and inspiring as it keeps me current with trends but also the new looks and how I can create the superhero vibe too. The image above has the lighting, skin complexion and definition that I hope to create through editing in my final images. I also really like the idea of enhancing the iris of the eye to really put through the super powers that this person possess within. This is something I will now do to my own images. 

Saturday, 26 March 2016

Preview Shots: "To be Immortal"

Final Image of the 'Immortality' Concept before Post Production

Definition of Immortality - 'The ability to live forever, eternal life. the quality of deserving to be remembered for a long time; timelessness'

Here are just some of the many examples of the immortality concept. This look was research and inspired by many mediums such as the art work Gustav Klimt called 'The Kiss' which includes a variety of different, empowering golden materials. I also watched a recent film production called 'The Women in Gold', this gave an true history of the painting and its origins that I found very interesting and informing how the use of gold can be used and its meaning.
 Reflecting on this shoot, it went so much better than excepted, I believe this was due to the amount of trailing and organising I had done prior to this shoot. The lighting fit the white, heavenly pure shine glowing behind the hair just as I had asked for and the gold became very shiny and high end. I also included the golden nails I had designed in many images where appropriate as they finished the look off very well and blended in with the overall design. In testing the hair, I knew this was a very fragile and fiddly process so I was aware of how calm, patience and gentle I needed to be for this work which, after a while, finally started to come together and was a great success. This was a moment in the shoot when I was very glad I had a make up assistant for the extra pair of hands to help. I've felt as though I have learnt how to be a leader and in control far more this project as normally I would just stand back and be told what to do by other. This project has made me see I am capable of a lot more than I give myself credit for and I do need to remember this now and after university.   
I now need to edit certain elements just to refine the overall beauty of the image as well as highlighting the skin and colouring of the make up. 

Preview Shots: "To be Psychic"

Final Images of the 'Psychic' Concept before Post Production

Definition of Psychic - 'relating to or denoting faculties or phenomena that are apparently inexplicable by natural laws, especially involving telepathy or clairvoyance. Relating to the mind and soul'

Using all the research and inspiration I have done over this term here are a just a few of the many examples of my psychic concept shoot. This shoot was probably my favourite and the one I am most proud with. The idea was capture a variety of blue from the blue period of art work created by Pablo Picasso in different shades to convey the emotions I researched previously when creating my symbolic colour palette. Blue was a colour that symbolised both strength and weakness in society. The power of being clairvoyant is a constant wonder in the world today that many think they possess. It too can also been seen for its strength and weaknesses, linking the two well together. I wanted the metallics and glitter to shine and convey the feel of psychic, out of this world abilities. 
The top I customised for this shoot worked so well as it caught the blue lightning coloured gels and fit the model perfectly as I had a trial fitting the day before the shoot to avoid any unwanted issues. I also was pleased with how the model posed include the nails I made to make the images more interesting and detailed. 
I now plan to develop these images further in post production to really make finished and professional. Reflecting on this day, I feel the more and more I learn to direct politely the more confident and strong I feel and therefore the final outcome portrays this too.   This is becoming such an amazing experience that I am learning such a amazing skills and traits both academically and personally. 

Friday, 25 March 2016

Preview Shots: "To Teleport"

Final Images of the 'Teleporting' Concept before Post Production

Definition of Teleporting - 'Teleportation, or Teletransportation, is the theoretical transfer of matter or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them' 

Here are few examples of the teleporting concept. After viewing a super power film production called 'Jumper' I realised how mysterious and dark this power could be and wanted to convey this through make up and styling. This character concept is all about escapism and that not all super abilities can be used for good giving that sense of darkness through the overall image. Reflecting on the day, at first the lighting idea my photographer tried I really wasn't happy with as it was far too dark and just wasn't the editorial feel that I wanted, I initially thought I would just stay quiet as I didn't want to offend but I would have been so annoyed if I hadn't and then ended up being unhappy with my final images. I am so glad i spoke up as he took what I said on board and eventually I was pleased with these images as the poses was something that needed to be quite strong with the feelings I wanted to convey in this design. I also decide to add the shimmer green effect into the mask after Elizabeth explained to me that green was the colour of the chakra for teleporting which was unaware of and I had to include this really define this look. 
This image is one that I plan to do the most work on in post production to really bring the concept to life possibly added a glow or aura around for the defining mysterious vibe. 

Preview Shots: "To Travel in Time"

Final Images of the 'Time Travel' Concept before Post Production

Definition of Time Travel - 'To travel through time into the past or the future"

Above shows a few examples of the images created for the 'Time Travel' shoot. As this concept contains some special effect techniques, that I didn't want to get rid of completely, I wanted to really take my time applying all the cogs to achieve the appearance of them connecting and becoming as one giant clockwork unit. The lightning took a long time to set up as I wanted to light to hit the cogs delicately and shine just on the side to bring them to life and with a little more focus on them. I was very pleased with how this turned out and the variety of metallic colours brought the whole image to life. I was so glad I tested this concept several times before as, when it come to the final shoot, I was very prepared and knew what worked and how to apply them so they stayed very secure through the entire shoot. I also am pleased with the appearance of the customised shirt I designed as it blends the whole image together as well as the smooth pose of the brown blazer over the shoulder in some of the images. With some post production work I will now develop these further until they really capture the time travel historical theme it portrays. Reflecting on this day, I am so glad I decided to work on male models too as this will look great for my portfolio after university. Its also built up my confidence more and made me solve minor issues that occur rather than panicking and letting someone else sort it as I have done in other units. 

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Preview Shots: "To be Invisible"

Final Images of the 'Invisibility' Concept before Post Production

Definition of Invisibility - 'Invisibility is the state of an object that cannot be seen. An object in this state is said to be invisible (literally, "not visible")'

Here are a few examples of the hundreds of shots taken for the invisibility concept. This was all about the beautiful natural skin, on face and body, using all my research and inspiration for the see through accessories with the white bright lighting to convey the blending of the model into the background as well as using pastel orange and pink from my colour palette.
 Although my model had flawless skin I gave myself plenty of time to efficiently and effectively create the perfect dewy skin tone as in trial runs I had rushed and the skin didn't look that impressive. As I received my airbrushing certificate this year I gave a very light base all over my models skin to really give that perfect look, this was great to work with and improved my skills further of airbrushing. I was so happy with these as the skin turned out as smooth and as perfect as I had hoped before any post production work. I also wanted these poses to be very subtle and gentle like the super ability and this is very clear through the images. I am aware that my model was wearing a little fake tan which I was unaware of prior to shooting so I had to powered her shoulders down a lot but the rest can be altered in photoshop. Overall another shoot with minor issues has been resolved and the final outcome has gone to plan. Reflecting on the day, I feel with each shoot and the more I collaborate the more confidence i am gaining in applying make up but also talking to people. As well as this I feel that in myself I am enjoying the whole experience far more and am enjoying all my hard work finally coming together. 

Preview Shots: "To Fly"

Final Images of the 'Flight' Concept before Post Productions

Definition of Flight - 'The process or action of flying through the air'

Here are a few examples from the hundreds of images my photographer took for this shoot. Although this is a great idea, having so many images it means I have lots of images to work with and choose from and it is very hard to narrow the images down to the best few. 
As Alexander McQueen was quite a big influence for this concept I wanted to really capture the bird like feel and darkness with bold lighting as well as make up and styling. Reflecting on the day, the lightning for this image was what myself and the photographer having been trying to learn and tested the most as it was very difficult to re create but I was so pleased with how they finally turned out and was very similar to the work I previously referenced. 
The blue and red is so striking and works so well with the fierce make up and movement of the long hair to really capture the feel of flight through symbolic colour.
 We did have a quite a bit issue as once we had thought we had completed the shoot for the day, when looking back on the images, the whole time my models strap was twisted. This meant we had to re shoot the whole thing which was very time consuming but needed to be done as the strap was very noticeable. I also like the variety of close and long range images I have as they are more interesting and editorial and show every element of the design. I was also very prepared again for this shoot and had every product and piece of clothing and jewellery laid out in order of need which I have learn makes the whole experience in the studio much calmer and therefore my work stronger.
I now need to edit them in post production to really make them of a high standard and as professional as possible.