'Immortality' Concept Nails
'Flight' Concept Nails
'Psychic' Concept Nails
'Healing' Concept Nails
Nails is one element of my designs over the years at university that I always look back on my final images and see terrible nails or chipped nail vanish. This is very frustrating and this small detail can ruin the whole look that I spent a long time. This time I am very aware that this needs to be considered through out as hands and fingers will clearly been seen in my images in a variety of strong poses and when possibly holding certain objects. Originally I planned to paint each persons hand before beginning make up to gain some nail technician skills but after some thought I realised this wasn't very practical as it is very time consuming and can smudge very easily if the model moves. I decided the best solution would be to use stick on nails that I can create my own nail art with prior to the actual shoot. This is what they do in major catwalk shows and I think makes far more sense. This is a far better solution as it, not only does it give me more time to focus or hair, make up and styling but also the nails are all the same length, very tidy and professional looking. This was a worry of mine for a while and I am very pleased with the looks of these nails, especially the metallic ones as these really catch the colour gel lighting I have tested and plan to use in my final images. My inspiration for theses nails were designs created by companies such as House of Holland, OPI and KIKO.
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